Water Treatment Plant System Design and Installation for a Leading Cement Manufacturing Company

Blogs Water Treatment Plant System Design and Installation for a Leading Cement Manufacturing Company Project Overview A leading cement manufacturing industry located in North-Western India was exploring a compatible designer and WTP system supplier for the treatment of 900 m3/day of challenging bore well water as feed. They expected their supplier partner to be doing […]
Revamp and Capacity enhancement of existing effluent treatment plant for a leading global food and beverages company

Blogs Revamp and Capacity enhancement of existing effluent treatment plant for a leading global food and beverages company Project Overview A global leading food and beverages company looking to revamp and capacity enhancement of its existing effluent treatment plant with an aim to achieve 100% recycling to reduce fresh water intake and utilize the recycled […]
Biological Wastewater Treatment for One of the Largest Producers of Oleo Chemicals Company in Indonesia

Blogs Top 10 Benefits of Industrial Water Treatment Solutions Project Overview The project involves the construction of a new 2000 m3/day wastewater treatment plant tailored specifically to the refinery’s requirements. The refinery’s wastewater is characterized by elevated concentrations of COD, BOD, and nitrogen, necessitating the deployment of advanced treatment technologies to achieve the strict discharge […]