Wipro Infrastructure Engineering

COBC Policy

The COBCE is designed to help employees and the extended family members of the Company to understand, recognize and deal with ethical issues which they may face from time to time while working for or on behalf of Company.

Wipro’s policy is to comply with all applicable laws and regulations, to be committed to conducting business in an ethical manner and to act with integrity in dealing with our customers, suppliers, partners, competitors, employees and other stakeholders.

To read the policy click here

Register a Concern


You may raise a concern by email to:

Wipro Infrastructure Engineering – Ashim Ghosh, E-mail: ashim.ghosh@wipro.com
Wipro Enterprises – Sandhya Sriram, E-mail: sandhya.sriram1@wipro.com
Chairman of Audit Committee of Wipro Enterprises – Suresh Senapaty, E-mail: suresh.senapaty@wipro.com