Wipro Infrastructure Engineering

Ombuds Process

Wipro Enterprises is committed to the highest standards of openness, probity and accountability. An important aspect of accountability and transparency is a mechanism to enable partners, customers of the company, and other members of the public, to voice concerns in a responsible and effective manner.

Whenever a partner, a customer or other member of the public discovers information, which he/she believes shows serious malpractice, impropriety, abuse or wrongdoing within the organization then this information should be disclosed internally without fear of reprisal, and there should be arrangements made to enable this to be done independent of line management. This is the crux of the Ombuds Process.

To read the policy click here

Register a Concern here


You may raise a concern by email to:

Wipro Infrastructure Engineering – Ashim Ghosh, E-mail: ashim.ghosh@wipro.com
Wipro Enterprises – Dnyanesh Sabnis, E-mail: dnyanesh.sabnis@wipro.com
Chairman of Audit Committee of Wipro Enterprises – Suresh Senapaty, E-mail: suresh.senapaty@wipro.com